Adirondack Rock

The following is a list of corrections, organized by volume, chapter and page number, for the second edition of Adirondack Rock.

Most of the corrections are typos and misspellings and won't affect your climbing. The more serious corrections are listed in red and should be noted.

Please email one of us (Jim or Jeremy) if you find any typos, mistakes, additions, or suggestions.

Volume 1, Lake Champlain

Page 31: There's an erroneous bracket in footnote 1.

Page 38: In the gear listing for Crux Capacitor, delete the words "cams to".

Page 38: There should be a hollow blue dot next to V1 of Lex Luther.

Page 52: In route #61, Pete Kamitses name should be spelled "Peter Kamitses" for consistency.

Page 58: The address for Plattsburgh Shoe Hospital has changed to 63 Valcour Heights Dr, Peru, NY 12972. The contact phone number is 518.643.5141. Also, the climber in the ad photo is Rob Buzzelli.

Page 65: The blue dot next to P1 of C-Tips should be solid. (A bolt was added since the first ascent.)

Page 83: The route Snow Blue (route #130 in the topo) is shown with 7 pitches, but only has 6. The last belay bubble should be removed. Also, the bush under this belay should be green.

Page 94: In the P1 description of Green Onion, it says to move left to fixed anchor, when in fact the anchor is on the right, shared with Grapes of Wrath. (It's obvious when you get there.) The topo on page 93 is correct.

Page 107: The second FA line for A Fine Line should read "FA (P3, P4..."

Page 109: The FA for Catharsis should include the name Gordon Weetman.

Page 110: The FA for Good Intentions should be: FA 1987 JL Michaud (solo). It was an attempted solo of Last Chance that "went somewhat astray."

Page 113: P1 of Space Odyssey has the word "(sport)" instead of a blue dot.

Page 139: The Observer's Trail has been rerouted to begin at the parking area rather than "300' south of the parking", as stated in the directions. The newly rerouted trail joins the old trail after a few minutes.

Page 141: The second paragraph in the introduction to the Palisades says there are two routes, when in fact there are 6.

Page 148: On the map, the name of the brook that comes out of Underwood is "New Pond Brook" (the word "New" is missing). Also, the map is missing the scale and north arrow. A new map is here.

Page 153: Photo caption should read "5.13b".

Page 154: The route Conveyor Belt should have a hollow blue dot.

Page 158: The V1 and V2 variations to Tombstone are reversed on the diagram.

Page 169: P1 of Pacifier should have a blue dot.

Volume 1, Chapel Pond Pass

Page 176: The map uses the old names for East Dix and South Dix. These have been renamed by the U.S. Board of Geographic Names as Grace Peak and Carson Peak (still pending).

Page 181: In the at-a-glance table for Malfunction Junction Cliff, the location should read "Near the intersection of US 9 and NY 73 (Malfunction Junction), accessed from Exit 30."

Page 183: In the history section of Boxcar, East Dix has been renamed Grace Peak.

Page 185: The second FA line on A Paris Parody should read "FA (V1)...".

Page 190: In the history of Sirloin Tips, the word "few" is missing between "very" and "hard".

Page 192: The variation Hershey Squirt should have a hollow blue dot.

Page 206: There should be a blue dot next to P1 of Wall Ruler.

Page 218: The caption should read "...P5 of Empress..." (the word "The" isn't part of the name).

Page 224: The name of the cliff in the photo is "Chapel Pond Gully Cliff" (missing "y").

Page 239: The route Christine is considered hard for the grade, more like 5.10c.

Page 242: In the photo diagram, the route shown as #20 is misnumbered. It is really #21, Till the Fat Lady Sings. The topo diagram on page 243 shows this correctly.

Page 248: The FA for the route Hesitation is incorrectly formatted.

Page 269: The FA for the route Romano's Route should include Fred Yackulic.

Page 278: In the history section for Cinnamon Girl, it's 31 years, not 21 years (bad math).

Page 292: The word "Tequila" is misspelled in photo caption.

Page 302: There is no longer a tree with a fixed anchor on Detoxification. The anchor on this route (and on Rockaholic) are in flux; as of 2017, there was a manky gear anchor here. If in doubt, climb to the top of the cliff.

Page 308: The route Pegasus has a bolt, changing the protection from R to PG. The crux is G protected. Like the original route, there is still an easy runout above the crux, hence the overall PG rating.

Page 315: The diagram of the Shotgun Face is numbered incorrectly. The legend correctly matches the diagram, but the route numbers don't match to text (they are off by 1)."

Volume 1, Keene

Page 326: The FA of Forever Wild is incorrect. It should read "FA 1978 Rich Romano, Fred Yackulic".

Page 327: In the History section for Quadrophenia (aka Bara Bara), Cunningham and Hey are said to have climbed this in 1985. It was, in fact, 1984.

Page 327: The man leading Quadrophenia in the photo is François Paquette.

Page 350: As of June 2017, due to overuse and private land issues, the trail and parking for Owls Head Mountain is closed from 4 PM Friday through 7 AM Monday (weekends). No alternative approach has been established. The trail will be permanently closed at the end of the 2017 hiking season.

Page 331: The V1 variation of Day of Madness is PG, not G.

Page 339: The route numbering on the Barney Rubble Wall is wrong.

Page 348: In the starting description of Bachelors and Bowery Bums, the route Yakapodu is misspelled.

Page 350: The photo should be credited to Suzy Williams.

Page 360: P1 of Walking the Tightrope should have a hollow blue dot.

Page 365: In the history for Hidden Constellation, the date should read "May 16, 1985", not "Map 16, 1985".

Page 366: The P1 description of Crack Mechanic is 5.11d (not "5.1dc").

Page 371: The Start description of No Ifs, Ands, or Bolts should read, "...starting just right of a good hold at head height; just right of this is a 4'-high fingercrack that starts at head height."

Page 372: The third sentence of the description of Between the Lakes should read, "Walking north to the Lower Cascade Lake, you can..." Additionally, the fifth sentence should read, "Walking south to the Upper Cascade Lake, you can..." (The north/south and Upper/Lower are transposed.)

Page 378: The date of the FA (V1) of Fugarwe is Sep 5, 1987 (not Aug).

P1 of The Cave Artist has the word "(sport)" in the heading instead of a blue dot.

Volume 1, Wilmington Notch

Page 395: In the topo for Fear of Flying, P2 has an "OW" symbol. This should be on P3.

Page 401: In the topo, the top anchor for The Highline and Pan Am is halfway between the anchor of Fire in the Sky and Coronary Country. Right now these two routes are shown to share an anchor with Fire in the Sky, which is incorrect.

Page 407: In the FA of Cream on Top, Leblanc should be spelled LeBlanc.

Page 407: In the photo credit, Leblanc should be spelled LeBlanc.

Page 419: The photo should be credited to Udsie Rosario.

Volume 1, High Peaks

Page 444: The photo should be credited to Drew Haas.

Page 474: The GPS coordinate for the base of Gothic Arch is missing a digit. This coordinate is better 591233,4886299.

Page 476: In the FA section for Goodwin Route, "FA (P5, P6)", should be "FA (P4, P5)".

Page 478: In the history section for Teddy's Trauma, the dog Teddy was Dubay's, not Patterson's.

Page 492: The woman in the photo is Becky Carmen, not Becky Carmen Katz.

Page 496: In the FA info for Mustard Sandwich, Rob's last name should be spelled "Cassady".

Page 498: In the photo diagram, the bubbles for routes #6 and #7 are underneath the trail.

Page 501: In the FA info for Bushy Pussy, Mark's name should be spelled Marc.

Page 501: The month for the FA of Panther's Fang is Aug.

Page 504: On the route I Should Have Taken a Left, the length of P3 is 210', not 80', making the overall length of the route 625'. This pitch (P3) is R, and hence the overall protection rating on the route should be R.

Page 505: On the route line for A. Minor Mellor Route, the P2 anchor should be slightly higher and right in a crack. It's a minor 7' descrepency.

Page 520: In the photo diagram, the route label just left of the text "Fin Ledge" should be #21 (which is the route Affliction), not #19.

Volume 1, Appendices and Index

Page 536: Under Gear Shops, Wear on Earth is no longer in business.

Page 536: Under Guide Services, the link for Eastern Mountain Sports has changed. It is now

Page 536: Under Guide Services, the link for High Peaks Mountain Adventures has changed. It is now

Page 536: Under Guide Services, the link for Mountainside Adventures has changed. It is now

Volume 2, Introduction

Inside Front Cover: "Roger's Rock" should read "Rogers Rock".

Page 25: Under Gear Suggestions, "Roger's Rock" should read "Rogers Rock".

Page 30: For the year 1978, "Rock Morse" should be "Rick Morse".

Page 31: For the year 1993, "Mike Emilianoff" should be "Mike Emelianoff".

Page 32: Pete Kamitses' name should be spelled "Peter Kamitses" for consistency.

Page 33: Under Pushing the Grade, for the year 1993 "Mike Emilianoff" should be "Mike Emelianoff".

Page 33: Pete Kamitses' name should be spelled "Peter Kamitses" for consistency.

Volume 2, Lake George

Page 35: Under Season, "Roger's Rock" should read "Rogers Rock".

Page 39: First word on the page should be "Wall" for naming consistency.

Page 39: Last sentence in the Camping section has an extra apostrophe after "Wall".

Page 40: In the history section, reference is made to Cold Bare Report. The proper name of this route is The Cold Bare Rapport and appears on page 58.

Page 41: In the topo, the route Three Stooges (route #7) should have three bolts above the ledge, but shows only 1.

Page 44: In the P1 description of Three Degrees of Separation, it should read, "...right margin of the wall." (Replace "on" with "of".)

Page 61: The route Two Camels, One Hump, is listed as 5.10a, but P1 is incorrectly listed as 5.10b. Both should be 5.10a.

Page 72: In the description of Bun in the Oven, replace "there" with "their".

Page 84: The P1 description of Sasquatch Hunting should be 5.13a, like the route heading.

Page 87: Under Camping, "Roger's Rock Campground" should read "Rogers Rock Campground".

Page 99: On the diagram, there is a bolt missing from P2 of The Matrix. (You can see a break in the route line where the bolt should be.)

Page 106: Route #2 should be spelled Untamed Stimulation.

Page 126: The FA for the route Sphinx in the Face should not have "(V1)".

Page 128: The FA for the route Stones of Shame Direct should not have "(V1)".

Volume 2, Indian Lake

Page 141: At the top of the page, "Beaverview Wall" should be "Beaverview Cliff".

Page 141: In the description of Crane West, "Beaverview Wall" should be "Beaverview Cliff".

Page 143: On the map, needs a space in "Slanting CracksWall".

Page 157: The P1 description of Amid the Flood, should read "Follow the groove to its end..." (missing the word "to").

Page 157: The P1 description of Amid the Flood, should read "...and finish on the last moves of Seam Ripper" (not Thank You, Cindy). An up-to-date description appears on the newroutes page.

Page 158: The route Carl's Climb, the FA for V3 should be V2 (there is no V3).

Page 169: The route Craterface should be 5.4, not 5.5 (the pitch has the correct grade). The topo on the same page also shows 5.5 instead of 5.4.

Page 170: Consensus for the route Hydrophobia is more like 5.4 or 5.5, not 5.3. The topo on page 169 shoud also reflect this.

Page 173: The FA lines on the route Belleview should be together, and the second one should read "FA (V1)...".

Page 173: The start of V1 of Chess Club Crack should read "Start 30' right...", not 20'.

Page 176: For Mike's Mountaineering Route replace "...Gogarth's Solo Slab, then walk up and right 300'..." with "...Gogarth's Solo Slab, walk across the Belleview approach path and climb a 60'-tall slab (5.7 PG), then walk up and right 300'...".

Page 177: The description of the start of H2 Alpine references Blueberry Ledge, but this isn't described or shown in the photo. Suffice to say it is the ledge where the "blueberry" climbs end (Blueberry Crumble, Madam Blueberry, and BLC). The "Blueberry Ledge Scramble" referenced on page 177 is the gully on the left side of the slab that leads to this ledge.

Page 181: In the legend, Mad Cows Wall is misspelled "Crows".

Page 182: Last sentence of the P1 description of Never Alone reads "...climb thin to an oak tree..."; it should read "...climb this to an oak tree..."

Page 184: In the description of Jammer Wall, add to the end of the last sentence ", and P4 of Gray-Harrison."

Page 184: The grade of Escalator to Heaven is more like 5.2. This grade should be reflected on the topo on page 183 also.

Page 185: The route Little Jam is considered hard for 5.9.

Page 185: The scrambles left and right to reach the start of Ape X are each 150' long.

Page 185: Remove the "40" in the P2 heading for Ape X.

Page 187: The large dead pine tree mentioned in P2 of Gray-Harrison has fallen off.

Page 187: The third sentence of P6 of Gray-Harrison should read "Climb up a thin crack on the edge of the wall on the left and make an exciting exit onto an easy slab."

Page 197: In the topo, route number 83 (E-Stim) goes left after the first belay. The route that goes right should be numbered 84 (Post Op). The photo diagram on page 196 shows this correctly, and the route description on page 198 is correct.

Page 202: The start of Pinch an Inch is missing a word; it should read " a shallow, left-leaning, right-facing flake..."

Page 203: The photo and topos (pages 198 and 203) refer to main face as Main Wall, but in the text (on pages 194 and 208) it is Main Face.

Page 205: In the description of Hang Time, remove the "s" from Black Arches Arete.

Page 208: The photo of Martine Schaer is the start of Parallel Passage, not Second Job.

Page 239: There should be a space after the number 39.

Page 239: The route Bidonville should not have a blue dot; it is a gear-protected route.

Page 258: The parking for Chimney Mountain has been closed. No alternative has been investigated.

Page 258: In the Directions, the trail markers have been changed from blue to red. Some older blue markers are still scattered around, though.

Page 262: The parking for Puffer Mountain Cliff has been closed. No alternative has been investigated.

Page 263: The pen and ink drawing should be credited to Colin O'Connor.

Page 269: The grade of Touch the Earth should be 5.7 X, same as the hardest pitch.

Page 279: In the area description, the mention of Sassafras should be Side Boob.

Page 279: In the description of Side Boob, the text should read "...then mantel onto some friction slopers..." (missing "n" on "then")

Page 280: THe FA of Enjoy the Little Things is Sep, 1997, Matthew Conroy.

Page 284: The route Aquarius is 20' right of Starline, not Asteroid (which doesn't exist).

Page 284: The gear description for Cosmic Ray should call for a black Tricam (0.25), not 0.125 (which is the white one).

Volume 2, Southern Mountains

Page 294: The photo caption should read "Rogers Rock", not "Roger's Rock".

Page 305: In the photo caption, the route grade should be 5.7, not 5.8.

Page 306: The grade in the photo caption should be 5.12b, consistent with the route on page 313.

Page 309: The route CB Love Grannys is hard for the grade. More like 5.12b.

Page 315: In the diagram, the leftmost wall is labeled "Weasel Wall", when in fact this is the "Corkscrew Buttress". It is labeled correctly in the text.

Page 328: The photo caption is for the route Medicine Man, not Mystery Man.

Page 330: In the photo caption, change "Mitch" to "Mitchel".

Page 339: The last paragraph in the introduction for Lake Pleasant Quarry describes a nearby swim spot. The directions, however, are incorrect. Follow Tamarack Road to its end, then turn left and follow Fawn Lake Road to its end at a turnaround. Continue straight on a dirt road to a parking area and trailhead for Fawn Lake. Park here and walk down the dirt road toward the lake. Just before a cottage on the lake, turn left and follow a good trail 150 yards to a long sand beach.

Volume 2, Old Forge

Page 368: In the FA for Gypsy's Curse, Sara's last name should be "Van Cor-Hosmer".

Page 379: In the description for P1 of Promiscuous Girl, there is an extraneous "(V1)". The route was originally climbed by finishing on Lichen or Not. Subsequently, both routes were made independent.

Volume 2, Northern Mountains

Page 402: On the map, the road that connects Saranac Lake and Lake Placid is 86, not 73. An updated map is here.

Page 402: On the map, the road heading southwest out of Saranac Lake (past Bluff Island) is 3, not 86. An updated map is here.

Page 409: In the directions, the route Border Crossing Fugitive is incorrectly referenced (a route name that doesn't exist). It should be The Chiller.

Page 434: There is a new parking area for Catamount Mountain, on the left. There no longer a need to park on the shoulder as indicated in the text.

Page 438: The GPS location of the Mud Pond Trailhead is missing a digit. It should be 591763,4929161.

Page 439: In the history section, for consistency, Mike LeBlanc's name should be spelled "Michael LeBlanc".

Page 439: Pete Kamitses' name should be spelled "Peter Kamitses" for consistency.

Page 442: The grade of P2 of Zoinks!! should have a space in "5.6R".

Page 448: The route Caspian Corner should be Capsaicin Corner.

Page 451: For the route Blueberry Buttress the second P1 should be labeled P2.

Page 451: The photo in the upper left is backwards.

Page 454: The photo of Tooth & Nail is backwards.

Page 456: The start description for Silver Flake mentions the route Wish You Were Here. The notes on this route were vague and it was never included in the book. Instead it should read "Locate the break in the cliff offering easy climbing through broken rock and spruce trees..."

Page 460: In the FA of Snarling Spiders Leblanc should be spelled LeBlanc.

Page 461: In the FA of Oops! I'm Pregnant Leblanc should be spelled LeBlanc.

Page 461: In the photo caption, Mike Leblanc's name should be spelled "Michael LeBlanc".

Page 468:The route Lurch takes an optional #2 Camalot to reduce the 5.6 runout to the P1 anchor. The route should have a hollow blue dot.

Page 486: Pete Kamitses' name should be spelled "Peter Kamitses" for consistency.

Volume 2, Appendices and Index

Page 500: Under Gear Shops, Wear on Earth is no longer in business.

Page 500: Under Guide Services, the link for Eastern Mountain Sports has changed. It is now

Page 500: Under Guide Services, the link for High Peaks Mountain Adventures has changed. It is now

Page 500: Under Guide Services, the link for Mountainside Adventures has changed. It is now

Page 502: The third column should have the title "5.2" (there's room for the heading, but it didn't print.

Limited Edition

Volume 1, Page 59: The photo caption should read "...on P1 of The Sting (5.8)", not Gamesmanship.

Volume 1, Page 536: All page cross references should be removed, as there are no advertisers.

Volume 2, Page 500: All page cross references should be removed, as there are no advertisers.